Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Crackin' Time

So its been a while since I've blogged but its just been so hectic with work and school and of course, a life! Midterms are all creeping up this month. At least one every week which totally sucks! VSAR is another whole mission and a half! Who knew being president of a student group was so much work? As much as it is fun and hanging with the execs are just pure jokes, I should get paid to do this haha! Very excited to go see Raptors soon though at the Season Opening! YAY! Hope we have a longer season this year...Last year was just tearful. Anyhow, time to catch up on some zzzZZzzs. CYA!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Home 'Sweet' Home

Its so frustrating how the world around you works. People say they care and your the most important thing to them. However, you know that deep down although it may be true the money is always the most important thing. Arguments that revolve around the "green stuff" is too frequent. Kids left to fend for themselves for days at a time. The silence that echos off the walls of what is so called "home." You always get angry and always complain of things that revolve around the issue of your financial standings. It frustrates me for all you ever use it for is your family back home. You need to understand that you have a life of your own now too. You have kids and they have needs that you have the responsibility of providing for. I couldn't stand your irrational ways anymore I had to finally lash out. You give without being asked and the ones that you should be responsible for, you totally disregard. You make a scene and get all teary-eyed in public. You continue your drama in the privacy of your own home. I was asked to apologize for my stupid remarks, but honestly I don't feel the need to. I feel I was right in my thoughts and beliefs and saying sorry just to make you feel better without sincerity is not the way to go. You need to learn that your ways are driving this family apart. It may be true that times that responsibility falls onto someone else's shoulders you tend to create the drama. As for myself, I'm sick of it all. I stick around to make sure that my siblings are doing okay and stand up for them when the time comes. If it were my choice I would've rather suffer trying to support myself then stick around all this drama and chaos. Its unfair to be in a place where it creates and environment in which you feel hostile and miserable all the time...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Turn of Events

Its been the craziest 24 odd hours by far. 4am last night I was rolling around in bed trying to get over the fact that September 20th wasn't going to be as planned. What was suppose to be a clubbing party for a friend flopped due to many frustrating reasons. Went to bed, work up 6 hours later at 10am, showered and headed to work. The boyfriend already had plans for tonight with his best friend,Christina, for her birthday celebrations so I was just planning to work the whole day. A sudden change of mind, I decided I didn't want to work the whole day and just see the boyfriend after. His best friend told him to bring me along too. I'd meet and chilled with her couple times before but I'd initially thought that it was just her and him at dinner but I didn't want to intrude. He told me to come anyways 'cause she wanted me to get smashed with her so I decided to leave work at 6pm and go. Work went by really quickly which was a relief. Always fun times with the fave assistant manager B.C but nonetheless still work. So dinner is all good at Thee Asian Kitchen. yuM sushi, all-you-can-eat. You just can't go wrong =) Headed back to Christina's sister's apartment and the party got going. Drinks and card games, dares and music. Overall a very entertaining night! So what was thought to be the crappiest day recently became the most fun I've had in a while! A slight turn of events can make the worst and darkest days into a bright 'summer' evening =)